Web Services

A web service is a software component that uses open, XML-based standards and transport protocols to exchange data with calling clients. The EMu Web Services system comprises a number of standards based interfaces that provide access to data stored within EMu and elsewhere. These interfaces allow third party software systems to query EMu and have the results presented in a well defined XML result set. These results may then be used to present information in new and exciting ways. For example, a system may produce a map that plots latitude and longitude values for a given set of specimens.

The web services provided by EMu Web Services are:

  • DiGIR (Distributed Generic Information Retrieval) - provides access to biological specimen data.
  • EMu Portal - provides querying and collation of data from multiple sources via a single source.
  • Web Maps - allows data from single or multiple sources to be collected and plotted on maps.

    The Web Maps Web Service takes advantage of the excellent MapServer software to provide rendering of spatial data for web viewing. The MapServer software must be installed if Web Maps functionality is required.